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, Bulk Products, Independent Cement & Lime Group
Quick Lime

Quicklime is manufactured by calcining high quality limestone at elevated temperatures. Quicklime is highly reactive with water generating considerable heat in the hydration process. Usage of quicklime in chemical processing is cost effective compared to use of other materials. Steel, chemical and construction industries successfully use quick lime in several applications. Quicklime is also widely used in soil stabilisation processes. Independent cement and Lime supply quicklime according to the Australian standard specification AS1672.1 (Lime for building).

, Bulk Products, Independent Cement & Lime Group
Hydrated Lime

Hydrated lime is suitable for a range of applications in chemical processing industry, in the building industry, in geotechnical industry and water treatment processes. Hydrated lime in turn is produced by reacting Quicklime with a controlled amount of water to form a dry white powder. Independent cement and lime supply Hydrated lime with higher available lime index (free lime) complying with the Australian standard specification AS 1672.1 (Limes for building).