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, Bulk Products, Independent Cement & Lime Group

The SteelCement range of blended cements provide engineers with cement based products that are suitable in sulphate and chloride environments, require a low heat of hydration, lower shrinkage, increased durability and require a higher ultimate concrete strength. SteelCement blended cements have been used in aqueous and marine environments, mass concrete construction, precast products, mining applications and road and soil stabilisation.

, Bulk Products, Independent Cement & Lime Group

Ecoblend products offer all the advantages of a cement based binder with the added feature of being an environmentally friendly cement blend. Ecoblend products contain a minimum of 30% supplementary cementitious materials (slag or flyash), which are generally waste products of other manufacturing processes, as a direct replacement for high greenhouse gas emitting cement. Ecoblend products also offer increased durability or longer life, particularly in adverse environments, over traditional cementitious products.