Information on materials
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What is cement?
What is concrete?
You can purchase ready-made Australian builders concrete mixes in bags that combine cement, sand and gravel, so that all you need to do is add water. This product is useful for small projects.
What is mortar?
What are Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM)?
What is Hydrated Lime?
What is the difference between general purpose cement and general blended cement?
Does Australian Builders cement, concrete, or mortar have a use by date?
Application – Concrete
How many bags of 20kg pre-mix concrete needed to cover 1 cubic meter volume concrete?
What is the best way to cure your concrete?
Curing is keeping the surface of concrete continuously moist after placement to avoid faster water evaporation. Proper curing during early days of curing improves the strength and durability performance of concrete. Commonly used curing methods.
- Applying curing compounds to the surface by sprayer
- Placing and securing polythene sheeting over the surface
- Spraying the surface with water.
- Cover the concrete with sand or wet hessian
What is the compressive strength of Australian Builders concrete?
How much water should you add for 20kg pre-mixed concrete?
Maximum of 2.4 litre clean water should be added to 20kg pre-mixed concrete.
Does water help to improve the properties of concrete?
No, additional water in concrete affects the properties of concrete negatively. Excessive water reduces the strength and durability of concrete significantly.
What is the setting time of Australian builders quick-set concrete?
Quick-set concrete achieve initial setting within 15 minutes. In warm temperature (specially in summer), quick-set achieve initial setting time within 5-10 minutes.
How long can you wait before concrete loses its workability?
It is recommended to use wet concrete as soon as possible to avoid any compaction issues.